Good food and good drinks are enjoyable on their own. But when paired with the right thing, both become better. The right wine paired with the right cheese enhances both, bringing out things you don't get from either when by themselves. We believe Sunday worship gatherings and groups are both enjoyable on their own but when paired together enhance one another.
At Sunday worship gatherings, we declare the good news. We believe this pairs well with smaller group environments where you get to discuss the good news and deepen your understanding of it. In these groups, you get to connect with others more deeply and connect what you are learning about Jesus to real life.
The two main groups we offer are Connect Groups and Alpha. Both have the same goal: to connect more deeply with God and one another by creating a safe environment for having open, honest conversations about faith, life, and Jesus. And they typically have a similar format: connecting around a meal or snack/dessert, learning together, then considering how to live what we've learned. Groups usually start in September, January, and after Easter and meet for about 10 weeks at a time.
Alpha is intentionally designed for exploring the basics of the Christian faith. We offer Alpha as needed. Whether you are exploring Jesus, new to Jesus, or new to Good News Church, we recommend Alpha as your first group. Learn more >>
Connect Groups are ongoing and vary in what they are learning. Learn more >>