Is there more to life? Explore this question on Jan 30th at the Alpha launch party. Learn more

How we disciple kids on Sunday mornings

At Good News Church, children are welcome, expected, valued, and invested in! The mission of Good News Kids is for our children to surrender all of life to Jesus and invite others to do the same. It's important to us that our kids have repeated opportunities to discover who Jesus is for themselves.

IMG_8454Children from infants to 5th grade are welcome to be in our children’s ministry room starting at 10:05am. If you take the stairs up to the second floor, you will see the check-in desk on the way to the sanctuary. Please check-in your child before service at the check-in desk.

Our children's ministry room for Infants to 2nd Grade is divided into two sections: one side for infants and toddlers and the other side for pre-K to 2nd grade. We use another room connected to the sanctuary for 3rd to 5th graders.

Infants to Toddlers will enjoy supervised play.

Pre-K to 2nd Grade will begin with play then enjoy songs, a snack, a Bible story, crafts, and activities.

3rd to 5th Graders will also enjoy songs, a snack, a Bible story, crafts and other activities. This classroom will not be active for the summer. This age will be in the sanctuary with the adults and have the option of  helping in the younger classes.

Curriculum: Our teachers disciple kids using Lifeway's Bible Studies for Life Curriculum. With a research-backed, biblical model of discipleship, every session is designed to provide a balanced, relatable, and age-appropriate group Bible study experience. Here's how they describe it:

“Whether you are young or old, if you follow Jesus, you are a disciple. But the quality of your discipleship isn’t measured by how well you can answer questions. Discipleship is about being transformed into the likeness of Jesus. And transformation starts in the Word. That’s why Bible Studies for Life is carefully crafted to help kids, students and adults purposefully become more like Jesus every day.”

The goal is to connect Sunday to everyday by becoming more like Jesus.