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Jonah: God's Scandalous Grace

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Jonah: God's Scandalous Grace

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! But not when it saves a wretch like them. They don’t deserve it. Let them die.” The story of Jonah is less about a big fish and more about God’s scandalous grace and whether it’s changed us into people of grace. Jonah is angry when God forgives the undeserving whom he’d rather see destroyed but fails to see his own need for God’s grace. Jesus saw these dynamics in his own ministry and retold Jonah’s story in the parable of the prodigal son (Lk 15:11-32) to invite the Jonahs of his day to celebrate God’s grace and to see their own need for it. Will they? Will Jonah? Will we? Or will we continue to think that God’s grace isn’t for those people?

Sermons from this Series

Nov 10


November 10, 2024

Grumbling | Week 4 | Jonah: God's Scandalous Grace

Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: Jonah 4:1–11, Luke 15:1–32 Series: Jonah: God's Scandalous Grace

Oct 20


Oct 13