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Psalm 23: The Birth of Our Good Shepherd (Christmas 2022)

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Psalm 23: The Birth of Our Good Shepherd (Christmas 2022) banner

Psalm 23: The Birth of Our Good Shepherd (Christmas 2022)

“The LORD is my shepherd.” These words were written by a Jewish man named David who was the king of Israel around 1,000 BC. David, who was a shepherd before he became a king, wrote what we call Psalm 23 as a poetic praise song to God. David had come to know the LORD as a God who was as attentive and affectionate toward him as a shepherd is with their sheep. Though ancient, many still cherish these words for what they say about God and his relationship with us. When Jesus of Nazareth was born, he fulfilled the hopes of those who were waiting for God to send a king who would shepherd his people like God would (Micah 5:1-4, Ezekiel 34). Jesus was born to be our Good Shepherd (John 10:1-21). What difference does it make to have Jesus as our shepherd - to be a sheep under his care and management? During this series, we will cover Psalm 23 in three parts in preparation for Christmas.

Sermons from this Series

Dec 24


December 24, 2022

Our Good Shepherd Is Born

Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: Ezekiel 34:1–24, Micah 5:1–5, John 10:1–30 Series: Psalm 23: The Birth of Our Good Shepherd (Christmas 2022)

Dec 18


Dec 11


Dec 4


December 4, 2022

My Shepherd

Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: Psalm 23:1–3 Series: Psalm 23: The Birth of Our Good Shepherd (Christmas 2022)