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Jesus Is Our Passover Lamb (Good Friday)

Easter-2017-graphic image

April 14, 2017

7:00pm – 8:00pm

Location: 255 Verbena Lane, Woodstock, IL 60098

Category: Easter 2017 | Coordinator: Mitchel Kirchmeyer

Why do we have a holiday commemorating the death of a Jewish carpenter named Jesus who lived 2,000 years ago? What's the big deal? Why does it matter? Join us as we consider why Easter is good news for us today.

This is one message in a five part message series entitled "God Saves: Why Is Easter Good News For Us Today?"  Good Friday was the day Jesus gave his life for us in order that we might be forgiven for our sins. This was God's ultimate display of love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Come reflect with us on this major turning point in God's plan to redeem a people for himself. Since this worship gathering is taking place in the evening, it will only last 1 hour so that parents can get children home.