Is there more to life? Explore this question on Jan 30th at the Alpha launch party. Learn more

Need some good news? Yeah, so do we. Discover the good news about who Jesus is on Sundays @ 10:15am.

Do you ever feel like you were made for more? Like you’re missing out on what life’s all about?

Jesus is an expert guide on the good life because he knows what we were made for: to be loved by God. If you’re tired of trying to figure it out on your own, learn how life’s meant to be from Jesus. Find joy and peace in being loved by God.

Come, pull up a chair. Warm yourself by the fire of God’s love for you on Sundays @ 10:15am on the Woodstock square, 110 S Johnson St, 2nd floor of the Woodstock Square Mall.

Whether you are all in for Jesus, still figuring it out, or somewhere in between, you are welcome.

What can I expect?

Our Sunday morning worship gatherings last one hour and fifteen minutes, from 10:15-11:30am. We will read from the Bible, sing songs together, hear a message from the Bible, and on most Sundays take Communion together.

Most wear casual attire.

Our worship music is contemporary in style with some traditional elements. We enjoy music from artists like Keith and Kristyn Getty, Chris Tomlin, and Rend Collective. We sing old hymns, new hymns, and contemporary songs. Here's a playlist of the songs we sing on Sundays.


Where can I find you?

You can find us at 110 S Johnson St on the Woodstock square. We are located on the second floor of the Woodstock Square Mall (handicap accessible) which is kitty-corner from Starbucks. Visit our "Find us on the square" page for more information.

What's the teaching like?

Biblical. We believe that God has spoken in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, through the words of human authors. So every week we open the Bible to hear from God. Many times we are going through a book of the Bible section by section. Sometimes we are covering a topic or theme. But we always look to the Bible as the authority on the subject.

Practical. While the Bible is an ancient book, it is very relevant to our lives today because it speaks to heart issues that are true for ALL human beings, no matter where or when we live. We seek to apply the Bible to modern life.

Christ-centered. The Bible is not primarily about what we must do but about what Jesus Christ has done. It's not all about us or all up to us. It's all about him and it's all up to him. Every week, we talk about Jesus because the Bible is one story that leads to him.

Listen to a message.

What do you believe?

The gospel is the good news about who God is and what he has done in Christ to bring us back to him. Here's a summary: God created us for a relationship with him. But we broke that relationship by turning away from him as our God. In order to reconcile us to himself, God has paid the price of forgiveness by sending his Son, Jesus, to die in our place. Only because Jesus is fully God and fully human can he pay for our forgiveness. In order to receive this forgiveness, we must surrender to Jesus as King of heaven and earth. The Bible is God's perfect revelation of himself to make known to us this plan and way of reconciliation. When we trust in Jesus, God adopts us as his sons and daughters by sending his Holy Spirit to dwell in us and mark us as his own. Jesus has sent us into the world to proclaim this mesage of forgiveness to others and to make disciples of all peoples.

We are Trinitarian meaning we believe in one God who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. We are Christ-centered meaning Jesus is Lord and it's all about him. We are Bible-based meaning we base our lives and our preaching and teaching on what God has said to us through the Bible. We are missional meaning we want to make a difference by showing and telling God's love.

We subscribe to the five solas of the Protestant Reformation: salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone for God's glory alone which is authoritatively revealed in the Bible alone.

Check out our full Statement of Faith to see a more in-depth statement of what we believe.

What about kids?

Visit our Good News Kids page for detailed information about how we disciple kids on Sunday mornings and how to check them in. There are also pictures of our children's room.

How about Communion (The Lord's Supper, Eucharist)?

We celebrate the Lord's Supper almost every Sunday. We invite all who have surrendered to Jesus to participate. Gluten-free bread is available.

What happens on Sundays?

True to our name, the good news about Jesus is central to our worship gatherings. Here are a few practices you can expect every Sunday:

  • We hear the good news. We believe God has spoken to us through both the Old and New Testament Scriptures, so you can expect us to always open the Bible and teach from it at our worship gatherings. God has not only spoken in the past, but speaks to us today through his written word and through the Holy Spirit. 
  • We pray the good news. We believe God is real, that he listens, and that he actually cares.
  • We sing the good news. We believe that one of the best ways to express ourselves to God and to learn more about him is through singing, so you can expect us to sing together.
  • We taste and see the good news. We believe the Lord's Supper - a tradition started by Jesus himself - is important to our faith so we practice it regularly. It's open to all who trust in Jesus.
  • We respond to the good news. When God speaks, he expects a response. We want to not only be hearers of the good news but doers as well, taking what we experienced on Sunday with us into our weeks.
  • We are sent with the good news. Worship is every Sunday and all of life so our worship doesn’t end when the worship gathering concludes. Rather, we continue worshiping throughout the week where we live, work, learn, or play, taking the good news to those who would never come to us to hear it. We believe Jesus is good news worth sharing.

If you would like to request more information, visit our Contact page.