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Colossians: "Look Nowhere Else! Christ Is Everything"

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Colossians: "Look Nowhere Else! Christ Is Everything" banner

Colossians: "Look Nowhere Else! Christ Is Everything"

There are many pressures in the world today to look for spiritual fullness somewhere other than Christ. Paul's response to that is: "Look nowhere else! Christ is everything."

Sermons from this Series

Sep 10


September 10, 2017

Look Nowhere Else Besides Christ

Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: Colossians 1:1– 4:18 Series: Colossians: "Look Nowhere Else! Christ Is Everything"

Sep 3


September 3, 2017

Working Together for Christ

Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: Colossians 4:7–18 Series: Colossians: "Look Nowhere Else! Christ Is Everything"

Aug 27


Aug 20


Aug 6


August 6, 2017

Our New Life in Christ

Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: Colossians 3:1–17 Series: Colossians: "Look Nowhere Else! Christ Is Everything"

Jul 16


Jul 2


July 2, 2017

Fullness in Christ

Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: Colossians 2:6–15 Series: Colossians: "Look Nowhere Else! Christ Is Everything"

Jun 18


June 18, 2017

Just as You Received Christ

Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: Colossians 1:1– 2:5 Series: Colossians: "Look Nowhere Else! Christ Is Everything"