Ephesians: It's All About Jesus

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Ephesians: It's All About Jesus

We live in a fractured and fragmented world. Across the globe, we see fighting, hate, strife, enmity, division, polarization. We see one group versus another group. It’s chaotic. But we feel the chaos personally as well. So often we feel like our lives are falling apart. When we look at our own world, we see broken relationships, estranged family members, people we no longer talk to. When we look inside, we see jealousy, anger, lust, and resentment. We have in us the seeds of all the world’s problems. We want something better so we think “if only I could just…get that promotion…find a boyfriend…lose thirty pounds” then I’d feel whole and complete. Everything would be as it’s supposed to be. The message of Ephesians speaks directly to these desires, showing us the only one in whom it all comes together, in whom it’s all healed, in whom everything finds its proper place. Jesus Christ is the only one who can turn our chaos into life as it’s meant to be. At the center of all God’s plans, the one it all revolves around, is Jesus. It’s all about Jesus.

Sermons from this Series

Jun 23


Jun 16


Jun 2


May 26


Apr 7