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Jesus Is Alive...Now What?

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Jesus Is Alive...Now What? banner

Jesus Is Alive...Now What?

Because of Jesus' death and resurrection, he has opened up a relationship with God to us and we can know him in a deep, meaningful, personal relationship. But how can we know God? During these four weeks, we will cover four passages connected to the resurrection using the theme of knowing God.

Sermons from this Series

Apr 29


April 29, 2018

Knowing God's Power

Speaker: Peter LeBlanc Passage: Romans 6:1–14 Series: Jesus Is Alive...Now What?

Apr 22


April 22, 2018

Knowing God's Love

Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: Romans 8:31–39 Series: Jesus Is Alive...Now What?

Apr 15


April 15, 2018

Knowing Our Hope

Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: 1 Peter 1:3–21 Series: Jesus Is Alive...Now What?

Apr 8


April 8, 2018

Knowing God

Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: Ephesians 1:15–23 Series: Jesus Is Alive...Now What?