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Ruth: Redeeming Love

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Ruth: Redeeming Love

This is a story about how God showed steadfast love to a woman in the darkness of her tragic suffering. And it's more than that. It's also a story about how God showed steadfast love to Israel during a dark time in their history. And it's a story about how God has shown steadfast love to all of humanity in our darkness. This is about God raising up a King after his own heart to save us all by his redeeming love.

Sermons from this Series

Nov 21


November 21, 2021

Witnesses of Redeeming Love

Speaker: Brian Christensen Passage: Ruth 4:1–22 Series: Ruth: Redeeming Love

Nov 14


November 14, 2021

“Cover Me”: The Interactions of Three Normal, Godly People

Speaker: Bob Nelson Passage: Ruth 3:1–18 Series: Ruth: Redeeming Love

Nov 7


November 7, 2021

Under His Wings

Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: Ruth 2:1–23 Series: Ruth: Redeeming Love

Oct 31


October 31, 2021


Speaker: Mitchel Kirchmeyer Passage: Ruth 1:1–22 Series: Ruth: Redeeming Love